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Prioritizing safety and security is essential for every homeowner, especially when children and pets live in the home. One of the fundamental aspects of home safety is ensuring that windows and doors are secure. Structural integrity and safety features are the most important things to keep in mind when assessing your current windows and doors, especially when considering upgrades.

Let’s talk about tackling the issues of safety and security and whether you should consider new windows and doors.

What Can Make Windows and Doors Less Secure?

Windows and doors act as the entry points to our homes and are crucial in protecting our loved ones and valuables from potential threats. They provide privacy, security, and maintenance of your interior climate. Factors such as material, type, age, and installation significantly impact the safety and security of windows and doors.

For example, as windows and doors age, the frames and trim can become looser, worn, and less sealed. Window panes may lose their seal and begin collecting condensation inside. Functional pieces like locks can become loose, and the doors and windows can become less solid in their frames.

Material type plays a significant role in how long windows and doors may last due to longevity and resistance to damage. At the same time, improper installation can also cause damage, make the material more vulnerable to damage, or lessen the integrity of the structure altogether.

Related Article: Is it Time to Replace Your Entry Doors?

Inspecting for Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses

Identifying common vulnerabilities in traditional windows and doors can be done easily with some tests. To detect any drafts, which implies improper installation, damage, or a need for an upgrade, you can hold a small flame from a candle or lighter close to the edges of your windows and doors. Keep a safe distance while seeing if the flame is being affected by any movement in the air.

Another test is to see if your windows and doors easily open and close without excessive force or jiggling. The door and windows within their frame should easily glide and fully open and close without unnecessary intervention. The handles and locks should also function without issue and not be too easy or difficult to maneuver. Any sticking, creaking, or need to reposition the door or window within the frame in order to fully function means that there is at least a repair needed.

Finally, consider how easy it would be for a child or pet to damage or open the windows and doors. The doors and windows should feel solid and not easily pushed open. If you’re concerned about intruders, consider the types of locks you have as well.

Related: Explore These Styles When Choosing a New Front Door

What Are the Safest Options?

Explore modern options such as impact-resistant windows, laminated glass, and multi-point locking systems for doors. You can also research how to reinforce frames, add security films for privacy, and even add sensors. Newer materials and features are available that provide security beyond what has been provided in the past. If your home is older, it is most likely time to consider upgraded windows and doors to make full use of the features available on the market.

Related Article: 5 Tips to Secure Your Entryway Doors

Install Secure Windows and Doors

If you’re taking safety and security seriously, consider seeking professional advice from a home exterior contractor to assess safety and security needs and find suitable options. They’ll identify your key concerns for security, whether it’s to improve privacy, structural integrity, or security from intruders. Then, they’ll be able to recommend the door and window options that provide the best solutions for those concerns.
To ensure your home security is top notch, contact Advance Inc. for a window and door inspection.

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