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When driving through a neighborhood, you may notice a similar theme for houses. They may have the same style, palette, or overall structure and floor plan. The reason suburban homes tend to look identical is because it is less expensive for the builder to offer fewer models. But there are many ways that you can upgrade and personalize your home’s exterior to help you stand out in your neighborhood.

Consider Color

The first, most immediate change you can make to separate your house from others is to paint. Builders will often use the same color or color palette to save money on siding. Painting or replacing the siding gives you the freedom to choose from hundreds of available colors.

You can also play around with the types of materials used on your home’s exterior. Different materials will have varying textures that can make your home more visually appealing. Try playing with contrasting textures between your siding and exterior accents.

If you want to avoid a full exterior replacement or paint job, you can also focus on updating your home’s accents. Try painting your front door or adding colored shutters to your windows. If you’re feeling bold, you can also try a different colored trim to contrast the color of your siding.

Build an Addition or New Structure

If you have the budget, building a structural improvement such as a deck can help set your home apart from others. Not only does this visually differentiate your home, it also helps boost property and resale value down the road.

When adding deck space, you can even further personalize your home’s exterior with materials used and color scheme. This can either be painting the deck and railing or utilizing accent furniture. For example, getting furniture with removable cushions means you can mix and match patterns and colors.

Play With Exterior Accents

Before, we covered briefly how to upgrade the various accents of your home through simple paint jobs. However, there are other ways to portray your style through unique pieces. For example, investing in a new front door. Front doors come in many different materials, colors, and textures. Depending on your personal style, you can play around with more modern or traditional pieces.

Along with adding shutters to your windows, you can also try accent windows. Instead of just the basic square or rectangle, check out hexagonal or rounded windows. For our coastal Delaware customers, round windows help embody a more coastal or nautical feel.

Another way to add visual interest to your home is to play with the trim work. This could be adding ornate or unique trim patterns in the eaves of your roof. These are often seen in Victorian or craftsman-style homes. Try contrasting the color of your home’s main trim work with the accent trim for added appeal.

At Advance Inc., we pride ourselves by being an honest contractor with the expertise to get it done right the first time. Our goal is to guide our customers in selecting superior products at prices they can afford.

Look through our site to explore our available services, or contact us to speak to a representative. We look forward to assisting you with your next home improvement project.

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