Fixing Drafty Windows This Spring
Are you finding your home is still chilly on these cooler days of early spring? Is your energy bill climbing? One culprit to both of these issues is drafty windows. For our Delaware customers along the coast, wind chills coming off the water can infiltrate any weak spots in your windows. Identifying and addressing these problem areas can prevent your energy bill from skyrocketing and keep your home properly insulated.
Common Causes of Drafty Windows
Poor Installation
Installing windows is no easy DIY project. Ensuring proper window size and material to fit your home and climate is imperative when providing proper insulation and protection. If the window does not fit flush with the opening it can cause gaps in the frame, allowing outside temperatures into the home.
Cracks in the Caulking
Caulking is used around the window frame where it meets the building structure. Over time, this sealant can break down, crack, and lift causing drafts. Because of weather changes throughout the year, windows can expand and contract, just like other parts of the home. Check your caulking yearly to ensure it is performing properly and identify any weak spots or places that need the caulking replaced.
Identifying cracks in the caulking is not always very obvious. The best way to do so is to feel for drafts around the window to find the breaches in the sealant. This cause of drafts is easily fixed by removing the old, weathered caulking and replacing it.
Seal Failure
Window seals are extremely important when preventing outside temperatures from entering your home and regulating internal temperature. When this adhesive breaks down, it allows the gas between window panes to escape which causes a breach in insulation.
Seal failure can occur for a number of reasons. One is the simple, natural weathering of the adhesive over time. Depending on weather conditions, some seals are not equipped to handle exceeding certain temperatures. For our coastal Delaware customers, ensure your window seal can stand up to wind chills and cooler temperatures.
Another cause of seal failure can occur during installation or manufacturing. During manufacturing or shipment, the seal may have been torn or punctured. This affects the sealants’ ability to properly set and leaves weak spots where the gas between panes can escape.
The best option for this is window replacement. At Advance Inc., our experts can help you choose the most energy-efficient, high-grade window for your home. Using the U-Factor, we can help you find the best rating to offer temperature regulation in your home. You can find all our window services here.
Contact us to speak to a representative about our window replacement and installation services.