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Garden Box Windows by Advance Inc.

Transform your space with garden box windows that bring brightness and nature indoors. With a perfect blend of design and functionality, our garden box windows at Advance Inc. are a popular addition to any home. We proudly offer these innovative windows across Delaware, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Southeastern, PA, ensuring homes in those areas enjoy both style and practicality.

Our garden box windows provide a charming nook for plants, adding beauty and fresh air to your interior while capturing sunlight. Experience the top build quality with each installation and window replacement, backed by our reputation for outstanding home remodeling services over the past three decades.

Installing a garden box window in a home in Delaware & nearby areas

What is a Garden Box Window?

A garden box window is like a miniature greenhouse extending from your home. Also known as greenhouse windows, they offer a box-like structure with an angled top panel suited for various rooms. A window with a garden box is perfect for kitchens, typically placed by the sink, allowing you to grow plants indoors. But any room can benefit from the sunlight and added space for decorative items like knickknacks and indoor plant life.

With garden windows, your home feels bright and fresh. Custom sizes ensure a perfect fit in any spot, making them an ideal choice for homeowners wanting function and style when replacing their windows.

How Are Garden Box Windows Installed?

Installing a garden box window involves several precise steps to ensure a flawless fit and finish. First, we accurately measure the area for installation, ensuring the new garden window is custom-built to perfectly match your home’s style. We then remove the old window and thoroughly inspect the area for any hidden issues. Next, we set your custom garden window in place and apply sealant and insulation to protect against weather conditions. Finally, we add new trim so the window seamlessly blends with your home’s existing design, creating a beautiful feature that enhances both the look and functionality of your space.

View of a garden through a box window in Delaware & nearby areas

The Benefits of a Garden Box Window

Garden box windows are an excellent choice for boosting your interior’s décor because of their practical and aesthetic advantages. A garden box window is a perfect spot to keep plants healthy and ensure they receive plenty of sunlight. Their three-dimensional shape and built-in ventilation features allow the breeze to refresh the air indoors and add a touch of nature to any room. A large window with a box garden also helps create more space by creating practical areas to display decorative items, freeing up valuable counter or shelf space in kitchens and other areas of your home.

If you’re planning on replacing your windows, our custom garden box windows will increase your energy savings and your property’s value!


  • Enhanced Natural Light – Greatly increases the amount of sunlight reaching your room, brightening up your space naturally.
  • A Great Space for Plant Life – Offers the perfect spot for a mini-indoor garden, allowing for herb cultivation or decorative plant displays.
  • A Boost in Home Value – Adds unique architectural interest and functional space, potentially increasing your property’s market value.
  • Ventilation Improvement – Many models include operational vents, allowing fresh air to circulate easily into your home.
  • Energy Efficiency – Our garden box windows are engineered to optimize energy efficiency, reducing utility bills over time.


  • Higher Initial Investment – These specialized windows require specific materials and construction, leading to higher upfront costs.
  • Professional Installation Needed – Installation requires expert handling to ensure a perfect fit and avoid potential issues like leaks.
  • Humidity Concerns – The design may promote humidity build-up, which can cause condensation if not monitored properly. Consult our experts to choose the appropriate materials for your home.

Our Financing & Payments Plan at Advance Inc.

Advance Inc. makes home improvements easy with flexible financing. Our partnerships with trusted companies like Synchrony and GreenSky allow us to offer payment plans that make your home improvement projects much more affordable. Whether updating your windows or exploring more extensive renovations, our financing options let you enhance your home while staying within your budget. Explore all the seamless ways to breathe new life into your space with our adaptable payment options, ensuring your financial peace while achieving your home goals!

Choose Advance Inc. for Your Garden Box Window Installation

Choosing Advance Inc. for your garden box window installation guarantees premium quality, excellent workmanship, and world-class customer service. With over 30 years of expertise in home remodeling, our certified professionals will ensure your installation is seamless and tailored to your home’s unique style. We stand for integrity, quality, and transforming your home with exquisite results.

Trust Advance Inc. to brighten your home with custom-made garden box windows. Contact us today for your free in-home estimate and start enjoying all the benefits of beautiful, functional window replacement and installation.

Contact Advance Windows Today for Your Free Window Estimate