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Egress Window in Delaware, Maryland’s Eastern Shore & Southeastern PA

Egress windows are a must for homeowners considering upgrading their home’s basement. Whether you’re using the space as an in-law suite, rental property, or additional bedroom, egress windows will help give you peace of mind. Advance INC. offers egress window installation for homes in Delaware, Maryland’s Eastern Shore, and Southeastern, PA. Our team will ensure your egress windows are compliant with local and federal regulations. Learn more about egress windows, and then contact our team today to schedule your new window consultation.

Technician repairing an egress window in Delaware & nearby areas

What Is an Egress Window?

The primary purpose of an egress window is to provide an emergency escape for basement occupants. Not only are they designed to help occupants exit the home, but provide easy access for emergency personnel, such as firefighters, to enter the home during an emergency. Egress windows are typically installed in the basement, where there may be limited exits. However, egress windows can be installed anywhere in your home. Learn more about the crucial characteristics of egress windows:

  • Accessibility – Egress windows are easily accessible for occupants and should not be more than 44 inches above the floor.
  • Size – As a designated exit, egress windows are designed to allow easy passages outside the home.
  • Ease of Operation – You may need to access an egress window at a moment’s notice. There’s no need for a special tool or key to operate.

What Are the Requirements for Basement Egress Windows?

When installing an egress window, following specific local and federal regulations is crucial. At Advance INC., we have over 35 years of serving the community and have installed egress windows in homes throughout the area. You can always count on our team to ensure your egress windows are compliant by following essential requirements:

  • Size – The minimum opening clearing for an egress window must be at least 24 inches and the width 20 inches, with a total opening area of at least 5.7 square feet. The bottom of the egress window opening should not be more than 44 inches above the floor to ensure accessibility.
  • Window Wells – If your egress window is below ground level, it will require a window well. The well should have minimum dimensions of 9 square feet, a minimum horizontal projection, and a width of 36 inches.
  • Steps – A ladder or steps must be installed for window wells deeper than 44 inches. These must be permanently affixed and usable even by children and elderly occupants.
Replacement of an old egress window in Delaware & nearby areas

Discover the Different Types of Egress Windows

While the primary function of egress windows is to provide easy accessibility to living space, that doesn’t mean they can’t be stylish. At Advance INC., we offer a wide range of unique style egress windows that match your home’s existing aesthetic. When you meet with our team, we can help you select the right one for your home. Some of the most popular styles include the following:

What Are Some of the Advantages of Installing Egress Windows?

While egress windows are specifically designed to comply with local safety regulations, there are numerous other benefits to consider when installing your egress windows.

  • Improved Home Safety – Egress windows meet fire safety codes and ensure your basement is legally habitable by providing a safe exit route during emergencies.
  • Added Sunlight and Ventilation – New egress windows allow natural light to enter your home and provide better air ventilation to make your living space more comfortable.
  • Versatility – Convert underutilized bathroom space into a bedroom, in-law suite, or rental property.
  • Home Value – Installing egress windows can significantly increase your home’s market value by making your home more appealing to buyers.

We’re the Area’s Leader for Egress Window Installation

As one of the area’s leaders for window installation, it’s no surprise that homeowners trust us to install new egress windows. Since we were founded in 1989, our top priority has been to provide our clients with exceptional services, a goal we still maintain today. Learn more about why we’re one of the area’s trusted window installation leaders:

  • Professionally Licensed
  • Family-Owned
  • Friendly and Skilled Team

Begin Your Egress Window Installation Process Today

Installing egress windows is crucial in enhancing your home’s safety, functionality, and value. At Advance INC., we’re committed to guiding homeowners through the entire process, ensuring that every installation meets stringent safety standards and building codes. We know the safety and security of your home cannot wait. Save with our special offers and find out if you qualify for our special financing options. Contact our team today to schedule your in-home consultation.

Contact Advance Windows Today for Your Free Window Estimate