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You can never be too careful when hiring a roofing company. Choosing the right local business to take care of a complex task like roofing installation requires know-how about how these businesses and common problems arise with less experienced professionals.

We’ve seen everything from destroyed landscaping to improperly installed shingles, and many times homeowners find themselves paying another business to fix mistakes that never should have been made. Arm yourself now with an informed set of questions to ask each business you interview for your roofing project.

How Much Experience Do You Have?

Just like any other job interview, you’ll want to get a feel for the roofing business’s level of experience. You might be tempted to give that newer business or ambitious relative a chance at your roofing project, especially if it’s in exchange for a lower price, but be careful. If they don’t have a ton of experience, you’ll want to ensure they can demonstrate their expertise in other ways.

Ask questions like:

  • How many years have you been in business?
  • Which areas do you serve?
  • How many projects have you successfully completed?
  • How often have you had to go back and fix mistakes?

There is no magic number for the number of years or projects a business should have under its belt. What you’re looking for is how they answer the question and the confidence they exude in their abilities. You’ll also want to evaluate how honest they are about making mistakes and how they’ve dealt with less-than-ideal situations, such as having to redo a project.

Related Article: Why You Should Hire a Professional to Fix Your Roof

What Types of Roofing Materials Do You Offer?

If the business you’re interviewing has made you feel confident in its abilities, you can start getting more detailed about how its services will fit into your desired end product. A really important step in this process is evaluating how many options they have for your roofing project and whether these options fit into your budget.

In the case that you need a fix to your existing roofing system, you’ll want to make sure the business can match the materials already installed. If you’re looking to complete a more expansive project like roof replacement, have an in-depth discussion about the different roofing materials they offer and which ones would be best for your home and budget. This conversation will also help you get to know the business better so you can make an informed decision when hiring.

Related Article: Asphalt Roofing Trends for 2022

What Does Your Service Include From Start to Finish?

Something that not many homeowners think to ask is what the project will look like from start to finish. Getting a detailed explanation of the business’s process and the tasks they complete along the way will help you decide if they’re worth the partnership. 

For example, did you think about how organization and cleanliness of the roofing professionals will play a part in your overall experience during the project? Do they pay special attention to preparing your home and protecting your landscaping correctly before they begin, and do they clean up after themselves? Ask about whether they haul away debris, magnetically sweep your yard to make sure no nails and other metal debris are left behind, and perform a final cleanliness check.

Can I Get a Free Estimate?

Once you’ve asked all the important questions and feel satisfied with the experience and professionalism of the company, it’s time to get down to business. Set up an in-home consultation to get a free estimate on your roofing installation project before you make your final decision.

At Advance Inc., we’ll send one of our professionals with decades of experience to your home. You’ll be able to discuss your needs and expectations in full so that you feel confident and excited to begin your project. We pride ourselves on taking care of your home and property, staying clean and organized, and fitting our services into your budget.
Contact Advance Inc. today to start your roofing project.

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