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A serene patio in Delaware and nearby areas featuring a hammock and vibrant potted plants

Summer season is in full swing, but between all of the pool parties and dining alfresco, have you stopped to take stock of the state of your patio door? These workhorses tend to be the most neglected entry door in any home; many homeowners live with sliding doors that feature broken window seals compromising your home’s energy efficiency, broken locks compromising your home’s safety, or any number of smaller issues that are easy to ignore until summer days come calling again. Seize the opportunity to invest in a new patio door while it’s on your mind. Your future summer self, and your energy bill, will thank you.

Patio Door Preferences: Styles Worth Considering

If you are ready to replace your patio door, take this opportunity to consider whether the style of your current patio door really appeals to you, or whether you have simply grown used to it. Here are some of our favorite patio door options for elevating your home’s style without sacrificing quality.

Sliding Patio Doors

Sliding patio doors are the most popular choice among homeowners with families and for good reason. They are easy to operate and do not require clearance to open and shut, making them a cinch for families with small children and pets. There are many stylish and contemporary options to upgrade your sliding patio doors, including attractive paneling and built-in blind systems, both of which add depth and dimension to sliding doors.

French Doors

If you love having easy access to your patio or deck, but would like to switch out your standard sliding door for a more unique option, consider french doors.

We love French doors for their look and their functionality. They seal well for optimal energy efficiency, making them a great energy-smart upgrade. Unlike sliding doors, French doors require clearance when opening, so factor that into your decision-making.

Hinged Doors

Hinged doors function the same way as French doors, but offer a modern twist on the classic. They are available in a wide array of styles, featuring everything from a single panel to multiple-panel designs. As the folks over at HGTV explain when it comes to hinged doors, the options are extensive: “Your chief decisions will be which style matches your home best, and what size hinged patio doors you want to install. The latter will likely be determined by the size and shape of the interior space leading to the door and the exterior space entering the patio.”

We love the look of these aluminum-exterior hinged doors, featuring a more contemporary panel style from Andersen Windows and Doors, a highly respected provider of quality products.

Patio Door Replacement: A Quick and Easy Upgrade

Patio door replacement is one of the quickest ways to upgrade your home’s exterior, making it an excellent choice for summer when many families are looking forward to vacations or planning day trips. If you are ready to revitalize your exterior with a new patio door but not sure where to start, we’d love the chance to share our expertise. Contact us today.

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