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Door knocker featuring the number 136 in Delaware and nearby areas

As the cooler weather makes its way to the East Coast, you may be reminded of the fact that your old front door is draftier than ever. If it’s feeling like the right time for an upgrade but you’re unsure of what to expect from the process, we hope this overview will help you get started feeling confident and informed.

Replacing an Entry Door: Cost Considerations

Most homeowners are aware that the material you choose for your door will determine, in large part, the cost. Deciding on the price range that is right for your budget is tricky, though, because you have to take the insulating power of any entry door material into consideration when determining the true cost. For example, a basic steel door will be the cheapest option, but if it lacks an insulated core, it simply cannot match the insulating power of a fiberglass door. That said, steel doors are generally the least costly options on the market. Fiberglass doors and wood doors run about even, with variations of each available at both mid-priced and more luxury price tags.

Other factors add to the cost of a new entry door system. From hardware to lighting and decorative glass, each additional functional or aesthetic upgrade will add to the price. Many customers opt to add either sidelights or transoms (or both), which benefit both the form and function of a new entry door. Sidelights are not actually lights, but narrow windows which run alongside one or both sides of your door. And a transom is the narrow window that runs horizontally above the door itself; it can be rectangular or arched. Both sidelights and transoms are available in simple panes or more decorative, etched, or beveled glass. In general, it’s safe to say that doors which feature elaborate designs will fetch the highest price. Custom entry door systems are available, but will of course carry price tags equivalent to their degree of complexity.

When you get right down to brass tacks, the costs to replace a front door can vary widely. Garrett Kelly, writing for Angie’s List, explains: “a typical install runs from $1,500 for the most basic installation up to $20,000.” But, he goes on, “most door systems, which include the cost of installation, fall in a general range… from $1,500 to $5,000.” On the other hand, Home Advisor puts the cost range slightly lower, with a 2018 average of around $1000 (for the cost of installation alone).

Replacing an Entry Door: How Long Will This Process Take?

It’s important for any homeowner contemplating jumping into a major home improvement project to get an idea of how long it will take to enjoy the fruits of their investment. Luckily, the installation of a new entry door is one of the quickest jobs a contractor can do. If there are no special circumstances, most entry door installations will probably take a day or two. If your home was built a long time ago and you’ve never replaced the entry door, you can expect the process to take a little longer as it may be necessary to widen or lengthen the opening to accommodate the dimensions of a modern door, especially if you are adding sidelights or transoms.

We hope this overview will help you move one step closer to the entry door of your dreams! If you’re ready to invest in a new entry door but would like to discuss your options in greater detail, we’re here to help. Contact us today!

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