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Energy Consumption

Prioritizing energy efficiency is at the top of home-owners minds these days. Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature is essential, not only for your enjoyment but also to preserve your home’s structural integrity. But energy efficiency is more than just weatherproofing, as excessive climate control takes a toll on the environment and your wallet.

Exterior doors are notoriously vulnerable. Each time you open the front door of your home you let out costly heated or air-conditioned air and bring in less comfortable temperatures. Modern options for your front door can minimize that vulnerability, thus making your home less expensive, more comfortable, and more appealing to any potential buyers.

Storm Doors

Storm doors can help you achieve optimal energy efficiency by adding a layer of protection to your entryway. Whether they are added to your current door or installed along with a new door, these additions make a lasting impact on homes that weather severe winters.

Choosing low-emissivity glass or glazing can further improve the energy efficiency of storm doors. Low-e glass or glaze features a “microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic oxide layer deposited directly on the surface of one or more of the panes of glass” which minimizes the heat transfer from either side of the glass.

Even with low-E glass, however, storm doors can become heat traps for your entry door in the summer. You can avoid this by choosing a modular storm door. By switching out the glass for a screen in the summer you can protect your entry door against warping, and let in the fresh air in mild weather.

Material Options for Exterior Doors

The Energy Department recommends exterior doors with steel outers and insulated foam cores.

These come in many fashionable options, including shapes and colors to suit every style. They also have high thermal resistance, or R-value, making them an excellent choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

Not an Afterthought: Proper Installation Is Essential

The most efficient materials are rendered ineffective by shoddy installation. To get the most out of your investment, make sure that you are as thoughtful about the installation process as you are about choosing your replacement door.

It’s likely that your new door with be pre-hung when you purchase it, meaning it will come with a frame. This means that your previous door frame will need to be removed before installation can commence. The removal process can be tricky, as you want to preserve the structural integrity of the surrounding walls. Take away too much and you will be forced to add a repair job to the replacement process. That’s why it’s important to contract with licensed and insured professionals for any remodeling job like a door replacement.

Once the existing frame has been properly removed, make sure the door frame is as square, or level, as possible. The way the door hangs on its hinges will impact the way it functions, as well as the tightness of the seal when the door is closed.

Finding a qualified professional to replace your door can ensure a superior installation process. Contact us if you have any questions about prioritizing energy efficiency as you replace your entry door. Our experts are always happy to discuss your options, from materials to installation

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